We are an independent brokerage based in Cork City, with access to many of the main Investment companies and deposit providers. We are not tied to any one institution therefore we can provide advice on a fair analysis basis. When considering Investing your money it is not just about looking at the best historic performance, there are many factors which play a huge part when choosing the best option for you, for instance, could you answer all or any of the following.
What options are available to me for my saving and investment needs?
There are many different types of saving and investment products available and there is most certainly one that will suit your requirements. Putting it simply there are fixed – term deposits, investment funds and long term saving plans and within each option there are various products. We will advise you on the advantages and disadvantages of each product ensuring you are well informed of the current market.
What is the best return available to me?
Getting the best return available will depend on the amount of risk you are willing to take, the amount of time you are able to tie up your money for, the institution and type of investment chosen.
Are there circumstances where I could lose some or all of my investment?
There are many Investment products where the Investment capital is not guaranteed however, we also provide access to deposit accounts and products where the capital is guaranteed. However, in the current low interest rate environment, the potential for a decent rate of return on guaranteed products is limited.
How do I know which Investment product is right for me?
This will depend on your personal circumstances, such as your appetite for risk, your need for access to funds and for how long you want to tie up your money.
How is my risk appetite determined?
Many investors, especially new investors do not know what their risk appetite is. We will take you through a detailed process that will help to determine your risk appetite however, the ultimate decision lies with you, this will be influenced by your personal financial circumstances. We will guide you through the process to ensure that you get the best possible advice and make the most appropriate decisions based on your personal and financial circumstances, financial plans and your attitude to risk.
Are my Investments subject to tax?
Generally speaking, all investments are subject to tax and this may vary depending on the type of deposit/investment. We will talk you through the tax implications of any product that you may consider choosing.
Do all investment companies offer the same returns?
There can be a significant variation between the performance of investment products among the various investment companies. We use advanced software tools to analyse the performance of the various investments based on risk and the components of the investment.
What is the safest option I can choose?
Generally speaking, Deposit Accounts carry the lowest risk as you are generally guaranteed your capital at the end of the fixed term as most institutions in Ireland operate under the Deposit Guarantee Scheme and we will advise you on what institutions carry this guarantee. However, on the flip side they produce low returns over a longer term.
What is the Bank Guarantee?
This is a permanent scheme operated by the Central Bank of Ireland. This scheme protects deposits in the event that a bank, building society or credit union is declared insolvent or a liquidator declares that it cannot repay its deposits. In the event this happens, your deposits will be paid within 20 working days. The scheme is funded by deposits from the institutions covered by the scheme. If this happens to you, your deposits will be paid to you up to a maximum of €100,000 per depositor or €200,000 in case of joint life deposit account.
What access will I have to my money?
This will depend on the product you chose. Deposit Accounts can be available on demand or fixed for a specific term with limited or no access to your funds during the fixed term period without penalty. Investment products may be subject to an exit penalty if encashed early. These will differ depending on the company and product. Before placing your money anywhere, we will give you an analysis of what exit penalties may apply if you withdraw your money before the term has expired.
What is involved in setting up an Investment?
In all circumstances there will be money laundering requirements, these requirements can differ but generally speaking it involves supplying a photo ID, and proof of address. The process will also involve application forms and fund transfers to the relevant institution. We will ensure the application is as simple as possible and ensure the investment or deposit account is set up properly.
Deciding on the most appropriate investment depends on many different factors, and we will take you through a comprehensive yet straightforward process to make sure you make the most suitable investment for your own personal circumstances.
Deciding on the most appropriate investment depends on many different factors, and we will take you through a comprehensive yet straightforward process to make sure you make the most suitable investment for your own personal circumstances.
Warning: If you invest in this product you may lose some or all of the money you invest
Sustainability Factors – Investment/IBIPS/Pension Advice & the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”)
When providing advice, the firm does not consider the adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability. The firm will review this approach on an annual basis, commencing in March 2022. A sustainable investment product is where a product is sold as promoting environmental or social characteristics.